Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Big Throw

The Big Throw, originally uploaded by J. Beecher.

You can see his sister below who narrowly escaped the big throw. Classic!


Chris, Chantelle, Katie, Lauren, & Brooklyn said...

That is it! I need to be closer to the picture queens! Janeille says you guys are good and I can tell just by your blog!!! May I make an apt. with you guys?

A and R said...

Thanks for the blog invite! It's darling of course!
I need you Janna, oh I really need you! I need pictures taken and I need YOU to do them! All your pics are so dang cute! What am I going to do???
(P.S. Sage had hives exactly like that, didn't know what it was, but it was a few days after her 1 year old shots, did your little guy just get shots? just curious.)

Steve said...

Janna your blog is amazing! What great pics!MOM