Wednesday, April 2, 2008

That time of Year

wedding collage copy, originally uploaded by jbeech.

Love must be in the air, because I have been getting a bunch of questions and calls about weddings that are coming up. If you have any questions please feel free to email me or call me. Since I am just getting started with the weddings the rates are really reasonable. I just recommend calling as much in advance since we are already lining up weddings for the spring/summer time.


Sarah said...

Hi Janna, can you please fly out to Utah and do MY wedding? Oh wait...I'm already married. Okay then, can you fly out and just come visit me? I want to hang with the girl who can kick her leg up over her head like a rock star! You are AWESOME. I miss you.

Bonnie said...

Hi Janna!!!
Just wanted to tell you what an awesome job you did on the West Palm Wedding!! Patty and JO are thrilled with what they have seen so far!!!! The pictures are beautiful!! Thanks so much for taking the time to go down to West Palm!!!
Love ya!